One of the best frameworks for web application development is Ruby on Rails. It’s free, tried and tested. It comes with a large technical support community. And, most importantly, it’s exceedingly simple to use. thanks to a well-defined. Standardized syntax that allows you to write “clean” and readable code. However, Ruby on Rails’ basic functionality isn’t always sufficient. Let’s know what are Ruby Gems and important tools.
What Are Ruby Gems and Why Do You Need Them?
Ruby on Rails comes along with the Ruby Gems package. This allows you to download plugins in the .gem format from the repository. Also helps to connect them to your application. Each gem is a well-thought-out solution to a specific issue.
You may quickly and easily implement any functionality of your future web application with them. The github.com and rubygems.org repositories contain the most comprehensive collection of Ruby gems for both ordinary and highly specialised jobs.
How do you go about finding the perfect gem? The fact is that the gems format does not specify the search criteria. As a result, developers usually state what problems they can solve in their names. Here is a list of top 9 Ruby gems that will undoubtedly aid you in creating your own social media platform.
9 Ruby Gems Most Useful for Creating Social Networks
The Reddit gem wraps the Reddit API, giving you access to features like commenting, linking, sending instant messages, and authentication.
Viadeo gem is an implementation of the Viadeo GRAPH API. It is being used to represent items as graph nodes and define linkages between them.
The Linkedin gem is a wrapper for the LinkedIn API, providing access to strong features for user authorisation and LinkedIn profile functionality (in particular, this gem allows you to define custom profile fields and not request repetitive data to access user accounts on “trusted” devices).
This YouTube API wrapper is handy. It can be used for implementing media download functionality. Also for playlist generation, and a variety of other features available to YouTube users.
The twitter gem combines the capabilities of user account updates delivery with instant messaging. This introduces the Ruby interface for the Twitter API. There are no authorisation mechanisms in this gem.
Pinterest gem gives you access to the Pinterest REST API. Here you may configure things. Including subscriber announcements, graphic file uploads, authentication, and more.
This Tumblr API wrapper will assist you in incorporating blog-specific functionality into your application.
The Google_plus gem is a wrapper for the Google_Plus API that allows developers to easily establish user authentication, sharing information between users, and profile creation features.
Devise gem is one of the most popular gem. This modular plugin includes a sophisticated feature for authorising users and managing sessions, based on the MVC concept. The device is a development of the Warden gem concept. And is designed for RoR-based web application authentication. The device allows numerous models to be logged in at the same time.
There are a plethora of ruby gems. These will allow you to augment the functionality of your own social network media. All this work can be done with variety of capabilities which we provide.Do you wanna use any of the Ruby Gems listed above? I recommend hiring Ruby on Rails programmers. If you’re using RubyGems in application development. Hiring RoR developers in India working for a top-notch web application development company will be great and profitable. You can contact us at info@nestack.com Check out the latest blogs on our page.
Visit us at https://nestack.com/services/outsource-ror-development/ to know more about our services.