Step by step guide to convert a Word to PDF

In general, digital documents are prepared using the word processor of the Microsoft Office suite , that is, using Word. This is why the vast majority of documents distributed over the network come from a file ” . Docx » (Word configuration, by default).

However, for reasons of convenience, obligation or to enjoy the benefits of files PDF , many users are required to convert Microsoft Word format into it . But unfortunately, they don’t know how to proceed in such cases .

That is why from this article we want to show you how to easily convert .docx document to PDF . Taking into account that, although there are several mechanisms, SODAPDF will present to you the simplest and most effective way.

Steps to convert a document from .Docx to PDF format for ease and speed

Before detailing each of the steps to follow to transform a document from Word format to PDF format, it is important to note that these procedures are easier to perform using an online tool . Since then, they usually do this conversion automatically.

In this sense, then I am using to get the PDF file quickly . What stands out for being a very efficient PDF converter where you do not need to configure any settings, the transformation is achieved in seconds, it does not consume your computer resources and the entire process runs on its own servers in the cloud . On top of that, he is multiplatform, free and secure .

Now it’s time to explain the steps to convert a document in .docx format to PDF with SmallPDF:

To start, directly from the web browser of your choice, find and navigate to the following url : “Https://” . What is the official website of the tool in question and you can use it online or install its Google Chrome extension.

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Then you will find the main web window, where you can start the process by clicking on the button that says “Choose files” in the blue box.

Then your computer’s file browser will open and it’s time to select the Word document to convert by simply double-clicking on it . We also note that by skipping the previous step, you can do it simply by “Sliding and dropping” the document on the web page.

After a few seconds, depending on your internet speed, this Word document will be uploaded to the platform. While, at the same time, the transformation to PDF will be done automatically .

At this point it’s time click on the “Download” button to finally get your new PDF document. It should be noted that before that you can the email it, compress it and even edit it from there .

List of the best .Docx to PDF converters you should know about

In addition to the previously mentioned tool, there are also other online alternatives to easily and quickly convert digital writings from Word to PDF . In other words, you have several options to download these documents in PDF format and at the same time maintain the integrity of the originals.

Therefore, in this section of the article, we want to present to you 5 other web pages through which you can transfer your document in .docx format to PDF format, for free:

This is’ a free online converter which facilitates the process of transforming digital documents from Word to PDF configuration. Regarding its operation, we point out that it is very similar to the tool detailed above, you may have to access, choose the Word file from your computer and start the conversion process .

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In addition to that, it also allows you to perform the same procedure by entering the url of the file , in case it’s in the web version of the word processor. In addition, it has the ability to easily and quickly convert HTML to PDF . For more details, it offers the possibility to select other formats and has advanced options such as rotate, join and order the pages of the PDF document .

While not a free online tool at all, it is a website that allows you to enjoy a free trial for 14 days without any limitation . Therefore, during this time, you can use it to automatically convert your Word documents to PDF format and it even has the necessary utilities to make edits including images, pages and paragraphs . In addition, it is an ideal tool for create PDF files from scratch and can even merge multiple documents into one.

Now, regarding the procedure to be performed for transfer a .docx document to PDF , we emphasize that it consists of choose the formats indicated in the left sidebar of the main window and after that you need to load the Word file from the “Select a file” button . Then, Enter your e-mail adress to receive the resulting file there and finally, click on “Convert now” .

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