Skype URIs in Salesforce (One Click to Call or Chat on Skype)

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Skype URIs in Salesforce to make it easy for your users to call or chat with each other on Skype.

What is a Skype URI?

A Skype URI is a unique identifier that allows you to quickly and easily connect with another Skype user, without having to exchange personal contact information. All you need is the other person’s Skype Username, and you can use a Skype URI to start a chat or call them directly from your website or app.

Skype URIs is supported in all modern browsers, as well as in the Salesforce Mobile App.

Creating a Skype URI in Salesforce:

To create a Skype URI in Salesforce, you’ll need to use the HYPERLINK function. The HYPERLINK function takes two arguments:

The first argument is the Skype URI itself. The format of a Skype URI is skype:<skype_username>?<action>. The <skype_username> part is required, but the <action> part is optional. The <action> can be either call or chat. If you omit the <action> part, the default action will be chat.

The second argument is the label that will be displayed on the screen. This can be any string of text that you like.

Here’s an example of how to use the HYPERLINK function to create a Skype URI:

HYPERLINK (“skype: echo123? Call”, “Call EchoBot”)

This will create a link that says “Call EchoBot” and, when clicked, will start a call to the Skype user with the username echo123.

You can also use the HYPERLINK function to create a Skype URI that starts a chat:

HYPERLINK (“skype: echo123? Chat”, “Chat with EchoBot”)

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This will create a link that says “Chat with EchoBot” and, when clicked, will start a chat with the Skype user with the username echo123.

Skype URIs is a powerful way to connect with your customers and prospects on Skype. With Skype URIs, you can add click-to-call or click-to-chat buttons to your website, emails, and other marketing materials that let your customers contact you with just one click.

When a customer clicks a Skype URI, they’ll be prompted to launch Skype and will be automatically connected to you. If they don’t have Skype installed, they’ll be given the option to download it before the call can happen.

Adding Skype URIs to Salesforce is a great way to improve customer communication and increase efficiency. With just a few clicks, your customers can reach you on Skype without having to remember your Skype ID or phone number.

To add a Skype URI to Salesforce:

1. In Salesforce, go to Setup → Customize → Leads → Fields.

2. Click New in the Lead Fields section.

3. Select Data Type = Skype URI and Field Label = Skype URI.

4. Enter the name or Skype ID of the person you want to call in the Default Value field. (You can also leave this field blank and manually enter a Skype ID when creating or editing a lead.)

5. Click Save.

6. Your Skype URI will now be available as a field on Lead Records!

Adding a click-to-call button on your website:

To add a click-to-call button on your website, simply create a hyperlink with the Skype URI as the href value. For example:

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<a href=”skype: echo123? Call”>Call me! </a>

When a customer clicks this link, they’ll be prompted to launch Skype and will be automatically connected to you.

Adding a click-to-chat button on your website:

To add a click-to-chat button on your website, simply create a hyperlink with the Skype URI as the href value. For example:

<a href=”skype: echo123? Chat”>Chat with me! </a>

When a customer clicks this link, they’ll be prompted to launch Skype and will be automatically connected to you in a chat window.

Adding a click-to-call or click-to-chat button in Salesforce:

1. In Salesforce, go to Setup → Customize → Leads → Buttons, Links, and Actions.

2. Click New Button or Link.

3. Select Detail Page Button as the Display Type.

4. Enter a Label for the button (e.g., “Skype Call” or “Skype Chat”).

5. Under Behavior, select Execute JavaScript.

6. In the Content field, enter the following code:

<script type=”text/javascript”>

window. Location = “{!Lead.SkypeURI}”;


7. Click Save.

Your button will now be available on Lead Records! When clicked, it will automatically launch Skype and connect the customer to you.


Skype URIs is a great way to improve customer communication and increase efficiency. With just a few clicks, your customers can reach you on Skype without having to remember your Skype ID or phone number.

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