SEO consultant: who is he and what does he do?

seo consultant italia

If you have come to this page because you have a website and you have already heard about SEO and the benefits it could bring to your business or company, I sincerely welcome you.

My name is Leonardo Guerrini and, even before being a professional specialized in search engine positioning, I have been dealing with web marketing for 15 years.

As an SEO expert , I work alongside freelancers, companies and e-commerce owners with one single purpose: to increase site visits from Google to get more leads and sales through the web.

The SEO consultant , therefore, is a professional who specializes in positioning a website at the top of search engines like Google, for certain keywords.

What is an SEO consultant for? Let’s start from the beginning

The SEO consultant is a professional specialized precisely in SEO, that is to say in search engine optimization, that is, in the optimization on search engines (mainly on Google but not only) of a website for certain keywords. In much simpler words, this professional figure is called upon to bring traffic to the website through search engines, and the highest aspiration is always to be first on Google .

Why is this activity so important in a web marketing strategy? The answer can be given by a simple example: let’s say you need to buy coffee capsules for your home machine and you start typing the keywords “Espresso Point compatible capsules” on Google. An e-commerce at the top of the search engines will grab your attention and, if you believe that its prices are good and you trust this online retailer, you will make the purchase of the coveted capsules.

The e-commerce owner, in addition to being happy with your purchase (and having acquired a new customer), certainly to be at the top of Google will have first done the SEO activity, or in any case will have hired some experts to get to get this visibility.

Numerous other examples could be given to highlight the advantages of having SEO consultancy for your site. Being first on Google is indeed an advantage of no small importance for anyone: for the psychologist who is looking for patients online, for the farm that wants to market its products, not to mention all the other online stores.

Another advantage of SEO, as part of a serious digital marketing strategy, is that being more visible on Google you don’t have to spend money on online advertising, for example with Google AdWords campaigns that are expensive (you pay for each click received).

With SEO, on the other hand, once an initial investment has been made to conquer the top of Google and other search engines, the top positions are maintained for many years without having to continually pay Google.

A nice advantage over Google ADS, which as long as you make a daily budget available guarantees you visibility on Google, but once you stop the campaign, it disappears forever!

Finally, being first on Google means having greater visibility than competitors. Whatever your profession or the company you run, you will almost always have to deal with other professionals and companies that deal with the same sector. Being more visible than them on search engines, on the other hand, means having a very important competitive advantage.

What does SEO consultant do? Are you also a web marketing consultant?

From what you have read so far, you will have already realized that an SEO consultant takes all the steps necessary to obtain the results described above, namely to be at the top of Google for certain keywords. But first of all, to understand if it is really worth investing to position yourself with certain keywords, it is important that the SEO is also a web marketing consultant , with an overall vision of digital marketing that a client should adopt.

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Having made this due clarification, to get to position a site, steps are necessary that must be addressed in order to obtain a decisive improvement in the positioning of a website on search engines.

Before going on to list in detail the actions that we professionals in the sector take to obtain certain results, I would like to reiterate a concept that is very important to me: SEO is something very serious, as well as a constantly evolving sector.

This means that to do this job you need continuous training and a lot of experience in the “field”, spending hundreds of hours studying a site and trying to understand the reasons why you can’t climb Google’s SERPs. .

I was very keen to reiterate this, because in our sector you can find everything: from SEO experts who have started this job for a long time, as well as young beginners who are very good at selling themselves but less at making their customers sell with the SEO! 🙂

After making this clarification, let’s briefly see what the main SEO services I offer.

SEO consultancy: what it consists of

The first step to take in the context of an SEO consultancy is to analyze the current state of a website, to understand what the state of health is from an SEO point of view and to discover any problems that prevent positioning or even generate penalties. .

Even if you don’t know anything about it, you understand all too well that before taking action it is essential to carry out a preliminary analysis to understand how to intervene later.

The SEO analysis (or SEO audit) generally analyzes some factors including:

  • Technical SEO (website loading speed, server performance, any problems that prevent the web pages from being indexed correctly)
  • Optimization of content within the site, the correct hierarchy of information, any duplicate content.
  • Digital PR, i.e. how popular the website is and how many links point to the website in question.

These are just some of the factors taken into consideration during an in-depth SEO analysis, which is then put in black and white through a PDF report delivered to the client.

On page SEO optimization

The second step is to optimize the site in all aspects. For example, it is part of on page SEO :

  • Optimize content by inserting keywords in meta tags (title, meta description , headings such as H1, H2, H3 ) as well as in the text of the pages.
  • Optimize images from an SEO point of view
  • Fix page URLs and internal linking to make it easier to crawl the entire website.

Let’s say that on page SEO is the basic requirement, a bit like the foundation for any building that is destined to stand for centuries! That’s why before starting any link building campaign, it’s important to invest in website SEO optimization.

SEO off page e link building

Although in many sectors that are not particularly competitive, good on page SEO optimization may be sufficient to gain positions on Google, for many others (including many ecommerce) it is also necessary to carry out off page SEO campaigns, which translated into simpler words means take all necessary actions to obtain backlinks to our site, possibly from authoritative and thematic sites.

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Link building is an important but very delicate activity: if the times and methods are wrong, the risk is to obtain the opposite effect, that is, that Google could penalize us. For this reason, any link building action must be done with extreme attention and above all not before having analyzed the competing sites in detail.

SEO consultancy for ecommerce

A separate discussion must be made regarding SEO consultancy for ecommerce. Being at the top of Google for anyone is a positive factor, but for an online store it represents a turning point, as this organic visibility on search engines translates into less spending each month for Google AdWords campaigns.

The ecommerce SEO consultant typically has to contend with fierce competition, as other ecommerce consultants also have consultants who generally work very well. All this translates into a greater effort (including economic) on the part of the customer to achieve the desired results.

Best SEO Consultant: How Long Does It Take to Bring Results to Your Business?

This is one of the most popular questions for a client who contacts SEO consultants for the first time, as well as one of the questions an SEO specialist must answer before starting a consultation.

The answer is… it depends! The reaction time to an SEO campaign by search engines depends on the type of sector (whether it is particularly competitive, or a niche sector with few competitors). Another factor that affects the timing is the budget available to the customer: if it is limited, you will be able to invest little in link building campaigns and this extends the time required to scale Google.

That said, the times vary from a handful of months to a year. What you must never do without is patience. SEO is a long-term investment and its benefits last for many years, as long as you invest in the beginning and don’t be rushed!

The courses to become an SEO consultant?

This paragraph is dedicated to those who have come to this page not because they are looking for a professional with the characteristics listed above, but because they want to become an SEO consultant himself.

Well, if you want to become an SEO consultant and embark on this beautiful career path, there are very good professionals who, in addition to positioning their clients’ sites, organize SEO courses both in the classroom and online.

But there is an important thing to say right away: in addition to theory, what matters most of all is practice, that is to say “get your hands dirty” even a small personal blog and get to grips with trying to steal even the smallest secrets by Google.

How much does an SEO consultation cost?

The cost of an SEO consultant varies from professional to professional and again depends on several factors. First of all, the consultant’s experience must be considered: those who have recently approached SEO have a modest experience is a lower hourly cost than an SEO specialist who has been chewing this matter for many years.

But what affects the cost above all is the work to be done, which varies from site to site and which is certainly greater if you have to get your hands on an ecommerce with thousands of products in the catalog.

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