How to Care for Your Twisted Curly hair

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Your hair is your crowning glory and it’s important to take care of it. Care for your hair in a way that works for you and your curly hair type. Caring for your natural, coily, or curly hair isn’t always easy. For defining the curl pattern and moisturizing, there are certain ways to follow that will have your curls look shiny and defined without making them look stiff or crunchy. These keys to a curly hair care routine will help you get your hair in tip-top shape!

Clean your hair

The first step in caring for your curly hair is to clean it. Shampooing your hair can be a challenge if you have curly or wavy hair. You need to use a gentle shampoo that won’t strip your hair of its moisture. Use a clarifying shampoo every few weeks to remove buildup and product residue from styling products.

Use a conditioner after shampooing to moisturize your hair and prevent frizziness. Apply the conditioner from mid-lengths to ends only, avoiding the scalp area. Rinse thoroughly after applying the conditioner so it does not weigh down your curls or cause them to frizz up.

Comb your hair

When you comb or brush your hair, start at the bottom of the strand, not at the top where there is more oil. This way, you can get rid of any tangles without disturbing the cuticle layer of each strand. It’s also important that you don’t use a comb with sharp teeth that can break off strands of hair, which will cause frizziness and breakage over time.

Passion Twist

Moisturize your hair

To keep your curls from drying out, apply a moisturizing oil like argan or coconut oil to damp curls before bedtime and again in the morning before styling them with gel or mousse. You can also use a leave-in conditioner to add moisture back into dry strands between washes.

ALSO READ THIS  Fenugreek Oil for Hair: Benefits, Uses, and Tips for Maximum Effectiveness

Dry your hair naturally

Curly hair is naturally dry and brittle, so you must keep it moisturized from root to tip. The best way to do this is by air-drying your hair after you wash it. If you have time, let your hair air-dry overnight or for a few hours before using a diffuser or blow-dryer on low heat to speed up the process.

How to detangle your hair

It’s important to detangle all types of hair — even curly! — with a wide-tooth comb or brush after washing and conditioning them. But when you’re working with curly strands.

Curly hair tends to tangle easily due to its tight coils and kinks — which means detangling can be frustrating if you try too hard or use too much force! Instead of pulling or yanking on tangles, gently comb through them with a wide-toothed comb or pick until they come out easily by themselves. 


By now, you probably know that natural hair is a lifestyle for your passion twist hair. It requires research, patience, persistence, and an investment in your tools. There are a lot of products that we recommend you check out to make sure your hair is popping!

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