How To Add Charts In Laravel 9 Using Chart.JS?


In news stories, analytics tools, and SAAS apps, charts come in all different forms, sizes, and shapes. When you develop an application, you undoubtedly think about incorporating a graph or chart feature to present data. Simple steps can be taken to use Chart.js to display a simple chart in Laravel.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to add charts to your Laravel projects, Chart.Js is the perfect library for you! Adding charts in Laravel 9 can be done using Chart.Js. 

The fundamentals of Chart.js are quite basic. Depending on your project’s configuration, you may install Chart.js using npm or bower. You can clone/build from GitHub or use a CDN to connect to a built version. This library provides a fluent API for creating and manipulating charts, making creating interactive dashboards and graphs easy. 

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a well-known PHP framework, and one of the main reasons for its popularity is its comprehensive package manager, Laravel Package Manager (LPM). The fundamental framework that enables us to create web apps is the PHP Laravel Framework. You will save a ton of time, eliminate the need to write repetitive code, and be able to construct apps quickly by employing a PHP Laravel Framework.

Laravel Charts is a 3rd charting library for Laravel that can produce an indefinite number of different charts right out of the box. This is so that any feature in the JavaScript library may be rapidly and easily used, thanks to the Chart’s API’s extendable and flexible design.

This article will show you how to add charts in just a few simple lines of code. First, we will create a new route within your project’s root folder. Next, there is a requirement for the Chart.Js library in our application. Once the library is installed, we can begin creating our charts! 

You can also opt for adept Developers to do this. But if you want to do it independently, keep reading this article. Let’s see every step in detail.

Listed below are some of the steps to implement chart using charts js in laravel 9 apps:

This article will walk you through a quick and easy way to dynamically implement and use Chart js in a Laravel application.

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No matter how powerful features and extensive data your application possesses, if it does not provide value to your users, it is worthless.

Therefore, the idea of being comprehensive always refers to giving the user the information in an understandable possible form. 

Chart js make the work of data representation less difficult by providing you with an easy way to display data to users efficiently.

Do not worry if you are a beginner developer who is unsure of how to integrate Charts into a Laravel project; here, you will get a complete demonstration of how to do so with a proper example. 

Let’s get going!

Step 1: Creating a route

To give users a better experience when viewing your charts, it is essential to design routes that match the needs of your users. By following these simple steps, you can create routes to ensure the most efficient and effective access for your chart visitors.

When designing routes for your chart, keep in mind the following:

·       Route hierarchies should be designed so that users with lower privilege levels have fewer opportunities to access sensitive data or functionality.

·       Routes should be logically divided into smaller parts to make them easier to understand and navigate.

·       Configuring ChartJS path parameters will help you control how users access your charts.

 So create routes/web.php and update the below route in your file:

Step 2: Creating Controller

ChartController.php might be the perfect name for the file if you want to create a new controller for your application. This controller is responsible for displaying charts within your application. With just a few lines of code, you can create a functional charting system that any page can use in your application.

Keeping the chart’s purpose in mind when creating this controller is essential. While it is possible to include complex data visualizations within this controller, it is best to keep things simple. For example, consider using an external dataset or provider instead of having several nested arrays within the controller. This will make development and maintenance much easier down the road.

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While visualizing data helps us comprehend information more quickly and effectively than just reading text and looking at figures, many individuals find it difficult to produce truly compelling and useful data visualizations. Follow these 5 steps to produce a successful data visualization.

Next step, update your controller with the following code:

Step 3: Creating Blade View File and Integrating Chart.js Library

If you are looking to integrate a chart library into your web applications, you’ll want to check out Blade View File. This open-source library makes it easy to create blade views that include charts and other graphical elements. You can use it to create simple dashboards or more complex data visualizations.

To start, install the library. Then, you can create a new blade view file by following these steps:

Remember to include the bootstrap CDN libraries, jquery, and the chart js libraries in your blade view file. You can add or delete these libraries depending on your needs.

Alternatively, remember to include this JavaScript code. The chart js package also gives the chart js a ton of options. Depending on your needs, you can alter or adjust.

Step 4: Start Development Server

The final step is to launch a terminal and enter the below-given command:

After that, you need to open a browser & paste the code, and press ENTER.


A versatile JavaScript charting library for designers and developers is called Chart.js. It is capable of offering several chart types. In this article, you must have learned how to set up and use Chart.js in a Laravel application. You only need to follow the steps and you can add Charts in Laravel 9 using Chart.Js easily. 

However, hire Laravel developers if you think you can’t do it yourself because they can do it flawlessly as they have experience in doing it.

about author:

Author Name:- Harikrishna Kundariya
Biography:- Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer,
IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder,
Director of eSparkBiz Technologies . His 10+ experience
enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups
based on IoT and ChatBot.

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